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The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

For the following models, DSM 6. DSM 6. When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates. The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations. Fixed an issue where incorrect or incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab.

Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4. Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities Synology-SA Starting from DSM 6. Packages with replication feature, such as Snapshot Replication, must install the Replication Service package. The brand new Overview shows the health status of all storage components on your NAS, displaying a clearer and better look on the system overview.

Introduced Storage Pool, a new storage component, to replace the original Disk Group and RAID Group, and rearrange storage-related functions to provide users with a more consistent and smoother experience.

Smart Data Scrubbing detects the supported file system and RAID type to perform data scrubbing automatically while enhancing data scrubbing usability. A new built-in scheduler allows users to do data scrubbing periodically with just a few clicks, improving data integrity and consistency.

Added a default monthly S. High Availability Manager has been modularized into a package to ensure better system maintenance and offers greater update flexibility. New mechanism can now eliminate unnecessary system reboot during major update to keep your cluster secure and maintain high service availability. SHA 2. A simpler yet more intuitive user interface, offering you a comprehensive cluster overview and management.

The new interface design provides more detailed and visual information as well as easy-to-follow solutions. Brand new user interface is introduced to display more details of both active server and passive server, giving you an in-depth system utilization overview.

When first creating SHA cluster, user new to SHA can choose to only replicate system configuration to shorten setup time. Enjoy the powerful features of the next-generation file system.

User login details and abnormal geolocation information are dissected using intelligent analysis techniques and reported via DSM notifications. Daily and monthly reports provide more comprehensive information, allowing IT administrator to review abnormal activity and security scan regularly.

Added NFS v4. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly. When logging in through VPN or Proxy server, some functionalities may have authentication issues.

If the upgrade is performed while running scheduled tasks, the Data Scrubbing process will automatically be re-executed shortly after the upgrade is completed. This update has been recalled on January 12, , because of falsely identified license file errors.

The issue is fixed in version 7. DSM 7. Users who have already installed this version of DSM are recommended to update the packages in Package Center. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

Note: After installing this update, file attributes will be restored to the last ones before Active Directory Server is activated. After upgrading to DSM 6. Fixed an issue where the DSM welcome title and message will be reset to default if users set it to blank. DSM 4. The desktop version of DSM on touch-enabled devices has been enhanced to support more touch events for Safari on iPhone, iPad and Chrome on Android devices.

VPN connection is supported with reconnect automatically when the connection is lost. Applications Modularization: Six previously built-in applications - Photo Station, Audio Station, Download Station, Media Server, iTunes Server, and Surveillance Station - are now modularized to be independent packages, and they can be installed or updated separately without interrupting services running on DSM.

You will get an overview of system status and monitor the activities of your Synology DiskStation right after the login. Connection Manager: A real-time connection list is now added to allow you to monitor who is accessing your data and kill the connections of unwanted users.

VMware vSphere 5. The test result of iSCSI writing is listed below:. Time Backup Enhancements : Remote destination is now supported to help you back up multiple versions onto another DiskStation over LAN for disaster recovery.

The sync can be triggered by the modification on the files, or you can schedule the sync task according to needs, and retain the mirror shared folders on the destination DiskStation.

For the complete list of supported printers, please see here. For the complete list of supported routers, please see here. Check the supported router list in the Special Notes. Multitasking: Users can run multiple applications simultaneously on Desktop and switch between them instantly. Multitasking support saves users from the constant wait of refreshing the whole webpage. All running applications are placed on the task bar. Photo Station Enhancement: Google map function is enhanced, allowing browsing multiple locations where all the photos are taken within the same album if the geo-information is available.

WebDAV: Web-based Distribution Authoring and Versioning is added to allow users to manage and edit files on DiskStation remotely with the support of content metadata and overwrite protection. It helps a disperse group of users around the world work on the same project as a team, which will greatly increase the effectiveness of group collaboration.

View the complete list here. The test results are listed below:. File Station is now only supported on the customized port to provide independent access to individuals. Download DSM 2. The "Router Configuration" feature is also available on the management UI under "Internet Connection" category, which accomplishes the port forwarding tasks on the router for you. View the supported router list here. Download Station Enhancements: MegaUpload download with a premium account is supported.

Wireless Support: With the supported wireless dongles, the DiskStation will be accessible via Both the infrastructure and Ad-Hoc modes are supported. View the supported USB wireless dongle list here.

After firmware upgrade, the system will automatically create additional thumbnails for all photos stored in "photo" shared folder. Photo Station service will not be affected. This firmware upgrade is intended for specific cases only.

Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to upgrade to this version. Windows Mobile 6. UPS Setting Enhancement: You can now set up the time period before the server enters safe mode after a power failure. And NTFS disks are not supported. This bug will be fixed in later version of Synology Assistant. To ensure proper operation of Photo Station, using File Station 2 to modify sub-folder privileges for "photo" shared folder is disabled.

This firmware upgrade is intended for users advised by Synology Online Support. Enhanced Photo Station 3 : The performance of thumbnail browsing has been improved. The Google AdSense, calendar-based article browsing, and sticky articles are added to the blogging system. The following file formats are supported from this version on. Version: 7. Version: 6.


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The brand new Overview shows the health status of all storage components on your NAS, displaying a clearer and better look on the system overview. Introduced Storage Pool, a new storage component, to replace the original Disk Group and RAID Group, and rearrange storage-related functions to provide users with a more consistent and smoother experience.

Smart Data Scrubbing detects the supported file system and RAID type to perform data scrubbing automatically while enhancing data scrubbing usability. A new built-in scheduler allows users to do data scrubbing periodically with just a few clicks, improving data integrity and consistency. Added a default monthly S. High Availability Manager has been modularized into a package to ensure better system maintenance and offers greater update flexibility.

New mechanism can now eliminate unnecessary system reboot during major update to keep your cluster secure and maintain high service availability. SHA 2. A simpler yet more intuitive user interface, offering you a comprehensive cluster overview and management. The new interface design provides more detailed and visual information as well as easy-to-follow solutions.

Brand new user interface is introduced to display more details of both active server and passive server, giving you an in-depth system utilization overview.

When first creating SHA cluster, user new to SHA can choose to only replicate system configuration to shorten setup time. Enjoy the powerful features of the next-generation file system. User login details and abnormal geolocation information are dissected using intelligent analysis techniques and reported via DSM notifications. Daily and monthly reports provide more comprehensive information, allowing IT administrator to review abnormal activity and security scan regularly.

Added NFS v4. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly. When logging in through VPN or Proxy server, some functionalities may have authentication issues.

If the upgrade is performed while running scheduled tasks, the Data Scrubbing process will automatically be re-executed shortly after the upgrade is completed. This update has been recalled on January 12, , because of falsely identified license file errors. Online Dating Guide. No matter who you ask, you will get the same answer: dating nowadays is hard. For single expats in Germany, dating is even harder. Online Dating. In a perfect world, you and your soulmate would bump into each other on the streets of Germany, lock eyes, and fall madly in love the next second.

Dating Profile. There are some recommended practice guidelines for that:. It is a good practice to separate the modifications to a different file and have the main policy file reference the former, as the two parts have different lifecycles. The sections just below review the common policy feature configurations using examples.

To set different states to sub-violations within the violation, enable the violation first, then specifying and enable the sub-violations. The examples below show how to enable a violation and sub-violation in a declarative format. Note that the example defines the blocking and alarm setting for each violation.

These settings override the default configuration set above in the enforcementMode directive. Be aware, however, that in a transparent policy no violations are blocked, even if specific violations are set to block: true in the configuration. HTTP compliance is one of the basic application security violations. It validates the request itself and also prevents the use of the HTTP protocol as an entry point to the application.

In this example, we enable the HTTP compliance violation with the blocking as true. We also configure enabled or disabled all of its sub-violations in the relevant HTTP section. However, not listing a violation does not mean it will be disabled. Rather, it would actually mean that the default configuration would not be overridden for that specific sub-violation. Evasion techniques refers to techniques usually used by hackers to attempt to access resources or evade what would otherwise be identified as an attack.

Like HTTP compliance, evasion techniques have a list of sub-violations that can be configured for additional granularity and to reduce false positives. In this example, we enable the evasion technique violation with the blocking as true. We also configure enabled or disabled all of its sub-violations in the relevant section.

HTTP header enforcement refers to the handling of the headers section as a special part of the request. These header elements are parsed and enforced based on header specific criteria. However, it is important to distinguish between 2 distinct types of enforcement for HTTP headers:. As far as the header field enforcement is concerned, the following violations are enabled by default:. There are 3 additional violations that are part of the header enforcement but are specific to the Cookie header alone:.

It is important to emphasize that the Cookie header field is a special case because its behavior is determined by and configured in the cookie policy entity rather than the header entity. The Cookie HTTP header entity is only a placeholder in that it is read-only and does not affect the way cookies are enforced. To modify the configuration of the cookie header field behavior, modify the respective cookie entity in the declarative policy. It is possible to customize the policy configuration using different enforcement modes of the above two violations, as well as configuring custom header elements.

For example, we can add a new header Myheader and exclude this header from attack signature checks. Alternatively, we can specify a mandatory header that should be present in all requests being sent to our application. Following is an example configuration where we enable Header violations in blocking mode, create a custom header MyHeader , and configure this custom header to allow multiple occurrences of the same header, disable checking attack signatures for the header, and mark it as optional not mandatory :.

Anti Automation provides basic bot protection by detecting bot signatures and clients that falsely claim to be browsers or search engines. The bot-defense section in the policy is enabled by default. Anti Automation encompasses both Bot Signatures and Header Anomalies, each of which can be disabled separately. Each bot signature belongs to a bot class.

An action can be configured for each bot class, or may also be configured per each bot signature individually:. The default actions for classes are: detect for trusted-bot , alarm for untrusted-bot , and block for malicious-bot.

In this example, we enabled bot defense and specified that we want to raise a violation for trusted-bot , and block for untrusted-bot. This is a list of the trusted bots that are currently part of the bot signatures. As the title suggests, these bot signatures belong to the trusted-bot class and currently all are search engines.

Each request receives a score, is categorized by anomaly, and is enforced according to the default configured anomaly action:. Notice that the default scores for each anomaly can be changed. In this example, we override the score and action of the default bot configuration:. Attack signatures are rules or patterns that identify attack sequences or classes of attacks on a web application and its components. You can apply attack signatures to both requests and responses.

Rather, the violation is determined by the combination of the signature sets on the policy. There are several ways to configure the enforced signature sets. In this example, only high accuracy signatures are configured to be enforced, but SQL Injection signatures are detected and reported:.

A signature may belong to more than one set in the policy. Its behavior is determined by the most severe action across all the sets that contain it. In the above example, a high accuracy SQL injection signature will both alarm and block, because the High Accuracy Signatures set is blocking and both sets trigger alarm.

The default policy already includes many signature sets, most of which are determined by the attack type these signatures protect from, for example Cross-Site Scripting Signatures or SQL Injection Signatures See the full list.

In some cases you may want to exclude individual signatures. Another way to exclude signature ID is by using the modifications section instead of the signatures section used in the example above:. To exclude multiple attack signatures, each signature ID needs to be added as a separate entity under the modifications list:. In the above examples, the signatures were disabled for all the requests that are inspected by the respective policy.

You can also exclude signatures for specific URLs or parameters, while still enable them for the other URLs and parameters. In some cases, you may want to remove a whole signature set that was included in the default policy. For example, suppose your protected application does not use XML and hence is not exposed to XPath injection. You would like to remove the set XPath Injection Signatures.

There are two ways to do that. The first is to set the alarm and block flags to false for this signature set overriding the settings in the base template:. Although the two methods are functionally equivalent, the second one is preferable for performance reasons. Another way to configure attack signature sets is by applying server technologies.

Server technologies applies sets of signatures that would be relevant to attacks targeted to a specific OS, application, or server type. The Server technologies are represented in attack signatures as systems using the same name, for example SharePoint.

Note, however, that the overlap between Server technologies and signature systems is not complete: there are server technologies that cannot be represented as signature systems, and also a few generic signature systems that are not represented as server technologies. The exact details will follow in the sections just below.

Server technologies that are not signature systems will not bring in new signatures when added to the policy. However, associating them with the policy still has declarational value, and in one of the future signature updates they may be associated with new signatures. We also enabled signatures with minimum accuracy of low. This would include low, medium, and high accuracy attack signatures.

The table below lists all the available Server Technologies. Some of them are built on top others on the stack and including them implies the inclusion of the latter. For example: ASP. We also denote the server technologies that currently have a signature system counterpart.

These signature systems are generic and do not represent a particular technology, therefore do not have a server technology counterpart. Yet, there are signatures associated with them. The Generic Detection Signatures factory signature set includes most of these signatures. You can define your own signature sets using one or more of those systems. As an example, without threat campaign updates NGINX App Protect WAF and any WAF in general may detect an attack pattern in a web application form parameter, but it cannot correlate the singular attack incident as part of a more extensive and sophisticated threat campaign.

Threat Campaigns' contextual information is very specific to current attack campaigns, allowing false positives to be virtually non-existent.

Just like attack signatures, the Threat Campaign patterns are updated regularly. Due to the highly dynamic nature of those campaigns the updates are issued far more frequently than the attack signatures. You need to install those updates close to the time they are issued in order to get the most effective protection. The default policy enables the mechanism with all available Threat Campaigns and blocks when detecting one.

Since the risk of false positive is very low, you do not need to enable or disable specific Threat Campaigns. Rather, you can disable the whole mechanism or decide to only alarm rather than block. Data Guard is a security feature that can be used to prevent the leakage of sensitive information from an application. Once this feature is enabled, sensitive data is either blocked or masked, depending on the configuration.

In this example, we enable the data guard violation in blocking mode. In the detailed configuration, we enable enforcement of data guard and specify which items are being protected against information leakage.

Note that if blocking is enabled, data masking will have no effect in this case. Masking is used when we do not want to block the page entirely but want to mask all sensitive data in the response. In this example, we enable data guard in alarm mode. In this example, we enable the file type violation in blocking mode.

In the last section, we explicitly disable the bat file type. This is an example of allowing all, but specifically blocking via deny list certain items. You may add as many file types as you wish, each declared in its own curly brackets, along with the "allowed": false directive. In this example, we enable the illegal method violation in blocking mode. In the methods configuration, we define which of the methods are allowed.

In the following example we disallow the default allowed method PUT by removing it from the default enforcement. For illustrative purposes this example also has all the other methods that are allowed by default defined in the configuration, but in practicality they do not actually need to be included explicitly to be allowed:.

Response codes are a general setting that defines which response codes are acceptable, while all others will be blocked. In this example, we enable the response status codes violation in blocking mode.

In the general configuration, we define which of the response codes are allowed. This would mean that all others will be considered as illegal response codes and will be blocked. In this configuration, you specify a list of comma-separated response codes that are allowed.

When configuring handling of parameters, it is a bit different from other configurations we have dealt with earlier, where we enable a violation and configure its details. With parameters, there are a number of independent violations that need to be enabled on their own, as well as a parameter section to define further customization. The full list of parameter violations can be extracted from the above violation list. These signature settings take effect only in requests to that URL.

In other requests, the signature behavior is determined by the signature sets these signatures belong to. See Attack Signatures for more details. What if we want to give specific attributes to specific parameters? This can be done by creating and configuring the user-defined parameters.

This feature gives the user full control over what the parameter should include, where it should be located and allows for granularity in configuring each and every parameter. Here you can:. In the following example, we configure two parameters. The first one, text , takes string values here configured as alpha-numeric , and limits the length of the allowed string between 4 and 8 characters.

Note that we enable this violation to block the violating request. The second parameter, query , is added to the policy just to avoid a false positive condition due to a specific signature, Suppose you realized that whenever this signature detected on this parameter, it was false positive.

You would like to disable this signature, but only in the context of this parameter. The signature will still be detected on values of other parameters. In the next example, we configure a numeric parameter. This parameter accepts only integer values and allows values between 9 and 99 non-inclusive. Note that if you change the values of exclusiveMin and exclusiveMax to false, values equal to the boundary values will be accepted namely 9 and For increased granularity, you can configure whether the parameter value is also a multiple of a specific number.

This is useful when you wish to limit the input to specific values. The following example configures a parameter that accepts values in the range of 0 to 10 and are only multiples of 3. This means that the accepted values are 3, 6 and 9. Another very useful example is when the user wants to limit the parameter to a single context, like in a header or a query string.

Another useful expansion to the customization capabilities is the ability to create user-defined signatures. This capability allows the user to define new signatures, configure how they behave in terms of enforcement, and categorize them in user-defined signature sets using tags for ease of management. The process of creating and implementing a user policy that contains user-defined signatures is a three-fold process:. The user-defined signature definition file is a JSON file where the signatures themselves are defined and given their properties and tags.

The format of the user-defined signature definition is as follows:. Tags help organizing the user-defined signatures in bundles so that all signatures in that bundle are usually authored by the same person and share a common purpose or set of applications that will consume it.

It also creates name spaces that avoid name conflicts among user-defined signatures. Signatures are uniquely identified by the combination of tag and name. The revisionDatetime specifies the date or version of the signature file.

Note that you can create as many user-defined signature definition files as you wish provided that you assign a unique tag for each file and that the user-defined signatures have unique names, both within the same file, or across different files.

To add user-defined signatures to the signatures list, each signature must have the following format:. Once all the user-defined signatures are added to definitions files, it is time to activate and use them in the policy. To achieve this, certain items need to be added to the policy file to enable these signatures, and to specify the action to take when they are matched. Following is an explanation of each of the items added to the bare policy that are relevant to user-defined signatures:.

This directive can only be used multiple times, if needed in the http context in the nginx. This directive accepts the path of the user-defined signature definition file as an argument. To add multiple definition files, the user will need to add a directive per file. Note that if the file or directory is not accessible by the nginx user, an error message will be displayed, and the policy will fail to compile.

Also, the user can create their own user-defined signatures as we have seen above as well as user-defined signature sets. User-defined Signature sets are suitable for organizing the sheer number of pre-defined and user-defined signatures into logical sets for better use in the policy. For the user-defined signatures, signature IDs are automatically generated, and they cannot be used in manual addition of signatures. The result should include all low and medium accuracy signatures that have a high risk value.

In the following example, we demonstrate how to add signatures manually to a signature set by specifying the signature ID of each of the signatures:. It is worthy to note that if a newly added signature set name matches an existing signature set name, it will not overwrite the existing set. The User-Defined Browser Control feature allows a user to define new custom browsers, and create a list of allowed or disallowed browsers both user-defined and factory preset browsers used by the client application.

It mainly provides the opportunity:. User-defined browsers can be configured in the browser-definitions section in the policy. There are a number of properties that can be configured per user-defined browser element:. It is possible to define IP addresses or ranges for which the traffic will always be allowed or denied or never logged despite the rest of the configuration settings in the policy.

In this example, we use the default configuration while enabling the deny list violation. In the configuration section, we define:. Note: The above configuration assumes the IP address represents the original requestor.

In this case, you may need to configure NGINX App Protect WAF to prefer the use of an X-Forwarded-For or similar header injected to the request by a downstream proxy in order to more accurately identify the actual originator of the request.

See the XFF Headers and Trust for information regarding the additional settings required for this configuration. CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery is an attack vector in which the victim user that visits a sensitive site such as a bank account, is lured to click on a malicious link attempting a fraudulent operation on that sensitive site. The link may be sent over email or in a hidden frame in another site. There are several settings that can be configured to enable CSRF protection, some are global while others are specific.

Following is a list of all the settings that can be configured to enable or customize the CSRF settings:. If CSRF is enabled in the violation section and in the csrf-protection settings, when receiving a request to a URL that matches one of the csrf-urls and all its conditions: method and parameters if applicable there , then the following conditions must be met:. Clickjacking refers to a technique used by malicious actors to embed remote website content into their malicious websites, tricking the end users to click on the embedded frames triggering actions the users were not aware of, such as liking a certain Facebook page or giving a restaurant a 5 star rating.

Please note that this additional layer of security is available only in browsers that support the X-Frame-Options headers. This feature is enabled by default or by setting decodeValueAsBase64 to enabled. To disable this feature set decodeValueAsBase64 to disabled. In that case signatures will not be detected properly. To mitigate this, set decodeValueAsBase64 to disabled on known non Base64 entities.

If decodeValueAsBase64 is set to required , then a violation is raised if the value is not Base64 decodable. In this example we already know which specific entity values are Base64 decodable, so we set the value of decodeValueAsBase64 to required to raise a violation if the value is not Base64 decodable:.

Consequently, a series of checks are performed to ensure that the body is indeed well-formed as XML or JSON, and certain restrictions are enforced on the size and content of that body. One of the most powerful restrictions in a JSON profile is enforcing a schema with which the content must comply. This will be detailed in the next section. It is a small form, and it makes sense to limit its size to characters and its nesting depth to 2. Here is a policy that enforces this:.

In the default base template, the alarm flag is turned on for this violation and if it is triggered, it affects Violation Rating. In addition, you can turn on the block flag so that this violation will also block when triggered. Schema files are often developed as part of the application, independently from the App Protect Policy.

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